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Root Oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae


Ostreidae [family]
Crassostrea [genus] (1)
rhizophorae [species]


Ostreidae [family]
Crassostrea [genus] (1)
rhizophorae [species]


  • Coomans, H.E. 1963. De eerste schelpenfauna van Curaçao, in Simons' beschrijving van dit eiland, 1868. New West Indian Guide 43(1): 195-210.
  • Coomans, H.E. 1970. Volksnamen voor weekdieren op de Nederlandse Antillen. Nieuwe West-Indische gids 47(2): 158-186.
  • Jong, K.M. de & Kristensen, I. 1968. Gegevens over de Mollusken van Curaçao uitgezonderd de Mariene Gastropoden. Correspondentieblad Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, Supplement Suppl. 1968: 45 pp..
  • Lamy, D. & Pointier, J.-P. 2017. Marine and freshwater Molluscs of the French Caribbean. Vol. 1. 388pp. PLB Editions.
  • WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. [link]

Literature references linked to higher taxa