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Literature references linked to higher taxa
eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance. eBird, Ithaca, New York. [link] (Aves)
Bird Watching Curaçao 2016. 2016 - A year in birds. 42. Curaçao Footprint Foundation. [link] (Rynchops niger)
Boer, B. de, Newton, E. & R. Restall 2012. Birds of Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire. Ardea Christopher Helm, London. (Rynchops niger)
Peterson, G. 2016. Checklist Version 2, ABC Birds of Aruba. 16 pp. Aruba Birdlife Conservation. (Rynchops niger)
Peterson, G.M. 2018. Aruba Bird Checklist. 16 pp. Aruba Birdlife Conservation. (Rynchops niger)
Wells, J.V. & A.C. Wells 2017. Birds of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao: a site and field guide. 474pp. Cornell University Press. (Rynchops niger)