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Steironepion maculatum


Steironepion [genus] (4)
maculatum [species]


Steironepion [genus] (4)
maculatum [species]


  • Faber, M.J. 2004. Marine gastropods from the ABC-islands and other localities. 3. The family Columbellidae (Gastropoda: Buccinoidea) with the description of five new species. Miscellanea Malacologica 1(2): 21-43.
  • Hewitt, S.J. & Leeuwen, S.J. van 2017. Marine molluscs from the island of St. Eustatius, Eastern Caribbean: results of the Statia Marine Biodiversity Expedition 2015. Vita Malacologica 16: 44-79.
  • Leeuwen, S. van 2020. Nieuwe soorten mariene mollusken van Sint Eustatius. Spirula 424: 52-54.
  • WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. [link]

Literature references linked to higher taxa