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Anderson, C.L., Tassell, J.L. van, Brown, B., Robertson, D.R., Piontek, S., Hoetjes, P.C., Sparks, J.S., Kramer, A. & Buurt, G. van 2006 . Preliminary list of fishes from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute expedition to Curaçao with comparison to previously formulated lists. [link ]
Beek, I.J.M. van, Meesters, E.H.W.G. 2013 . Saba Bank research expedition 2011 - Progress report. 46 pp. IMARES, Wageningen UR.
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Coddington, J. 2008 . The Effects of Intruder Size on the Territoriality of the Threespot Damselfish (Stegastes planifrons). Physis 3: 7-12.
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Pattengill-Semmens, C.V. 2010 . The reef fish assemblage of Bonaire Marine Park: an analysis of REEF Fish Survey Data. Proceedings 53rd Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53: 591-605.
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Sako, L. 2011 . Are damselfish detrimental to Bonaire’s coral reefs? Physis 9: 50-56.
Wes Toller, Adolphe O. Debrot, Mark J. A. Vermeij, Paul C. Hoetjes. 2010 . Reef Fishes of Saba Bank, Netherlands Antilles: Assemblage Structure across a Gradient of Habitat Types. PLoS ONE 5(5): 1-13.
Williams, J.T., Carpenter, K.E., Tassell, J.L. van, Hoetjes, P., Toller, W., Etnoyer, P. & Smith, M. 2010 . Biodiversity Assessment of the Fishes of Saba Bank Atoll, Netherlands Antilles. PLoS ONE 5(5): 1-37. [link ]
WoRMS . World Register of Marine Species. [link ]
Literature references linked to higher taxa
Boer, B. de, Hoogerwerf, D., Kristensen, I. & Post, J. 1973 . Antillean Fish Guide 7: 114. Netherlands Antilles National Parks Foundation. [link ] (Pomacentridae )
Robertson, D.R., Tassell, J. van 2015 . Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean: online information system. Version 1.0. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panamá.. [link ] (Actinopterygii )