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Naturalis’ fieldwork on Sint Eustatius

Jeroen van der Brugge and Berry van der Hoorn

Three not yet reported land snail species from Saba and St. Martin (Dutch Caribbean), collected in 1991

Sytske de Waart - 08 June 2021
Bulimulus lehmanni 1991 Saba
/ Foto:
Rob Vink

During a one-day visit tot Saba in 1991 seven species of terrestrial snails were collected. All shells were collected empty. Two species among them, i.e. Bulimulis lehmanni (L. Pfeiffer, 1868) and Opeas hannense (L. Pfeiffer, 1840), were not yet reported from Saba. In drift collected in 1991 along the northeast coast of Sint Maarten one specimen of Praticolella spec. was found. Also this species was not reported before from Sint Maarten.


Neckheim, T. 2021. Drie nog niet vermelde landslakkensoorten van Saba en Sint Maarten, Nederlandse Antillen, verzameld in 1991. Spirula 427.