Citizens and tourists needed to identify manta's and rays

DCNA has partnered with the Caribbean Islands Manta Conservation Program, a Manta Trust project, and to research and protect local manta and devil rays in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. Citizens and tourists can pass on their (old and new) sightings and interactions with these rays and thus help to better protect them. Around the islands of the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, Mobula birostris and Mobula c.f. birostris as well as two species of devil rays, Mobula hypostoma and Mobula tarapacana, have been identified. Sightings seem to be rare and unpredictable; however, researchers hope to learn more by collecting sightings and reports from citizens and tourists.
If you have seen a manta ray anywhere in the world, you can contribute directly to the global research and conservation efforts. Submit your images and some basic information about the sighting to the IDtheManta database, and you will get feedback about the individual manta you encountered.
Nicole Pelletier, 3 april 2021. Burgers en toeristen nodig om manta- en duivelsroggen te identificeren. Nature Today [link]